The Center for Advancement of Public Policy

For Equity and Accountability

The Center for Advancement of Public Policy fosters equitable, democratic, and humane management in government, corporations, and other organizations; seeks the elimination of prejudice, sexism, and discrimination in the workplace and in society; and promotes democratic government through research, investigation and education. The Center is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1991. It serves as an independent and nonpartisan resource to members of Congress, the press, advocacy organizations, community leaders, employee groups, corporate managers, and consumers.

The Center promotes women's equity in the workplace, in political participation, in family relationships, and throughout society, by formulating policy options that are responsive to the economic and social realities faced by contemporary women. To increase public awareness and to encourage action in behalf of women's equity, the Center published WAC - the Women's Action Connectiv (formerly WFF, the Washington Feminist Faxnet - a periodic newsletter to activists throughout the world.  WAC is not being published at present.

The Center promotes a more responsible capitalism by pressing corporations to become fully accountable to their stakeholders ­ the employees, customers, communities, stockholders, suppliers, and the greater society (including the earth, its environment, and future generations), all of whom contribute significantly to corporate success or are affected significantly by corporate actions. Full and fair accountability requires disclosure of individual corporate effects on the environment, workers, and communities. To bring about this accountability, the Center sponsors the

Stakeholder Alliance

Stakeholder Alliance, an association of organizations and individuals that promotes the interests of corporate stakeholders. The Alliance acts to hold corporations fully accountable to all stakeholders for their actions.

The Center also undertakes sponsored and unsponsored research, including projects directed toward achieving greater equity in education and in testing.

Center for Advancement of Public Policy
323 Morning Sun Trail, Corrales, NM 87048